Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Part 1

As most of you know, we closed on our house on Christmas Eve, and moved the Sunday after Christmas, so we have been rather busy. That did not stop us from celebrating Christmas not one, but three times. We went up to Minnesota the weekend before Christmas and celebrated Christmas with all of Keith's family. We always have a great time up there, and I got some great grab bags. Keith's aunt spends all year putting together grab bags for the ladies of holiday decorations for the house. We then play the white elephant game and have the opportunity to steal to get the ones we want. LOVE IT!!!

Keith's cousins and brother and sister

Luke with his Great Grandpa

Luke and second cousin Melissa

All of the great grandchildren (Luke is the only grandchild on Keith's side but has lots of second cousins to play with when visiting)

Luke looking at pictures of himself with Grandma

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